Friday 21 June 2013

Romantic Inspirations: I Love the Way I See You

This week’s theme is all about “seeing” and “perception”. So, I thought I’d find a way to think about it from a moreromantic point of view. You know you love it ;) .
The idea today (which I hope you carry out through the week) is to think about how you see your spouse. Which of your spouse’s features made you do a double-take, and then peek again – and then, stare long and hard one more time? Which feature was etched in your senses from the beginning? What do you look at and think, “Dang! I’m married to the the best-looking person ever”? This is the week to share that.
Engagement Pictures Oncewed Workshop Jose Villa
For me, I think my husband is totally smoking hot all around for real. However, the very first thing about him that caught my eyes and roped me in was the dimple he has in his right cheek. I thought it was the most perfect thing – and I still think it is today. :)
How can you remind your spouse of all the things you love and all the beauty you see? You can spread it out this week by letting him know verbally: whisper it in his ear. Or, you can write it by: sending him a long, detailed text message, putting it in a letter, or sending a very unexpected e-mail. Be sure to go into detail about every feature and feel free to share how those special features make you feel.
Love the way you see your spouse this week!


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