Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Is your Style Written in the Stars? Find out what the Zodiac Signs say about your Style

A few days ago I was reading a book titled ‘Love Stars’ – It’s basically about how different Zodiac signs interact in sex, relationships and work. I skipped through the pages and reached my sign -Taurus – and the first line I read explained how Taurus loves to wear luxury items, would do anything to get them and has a unique voice. The last part I totally agree with based on past experiences. However, the fact that I would do anything to get luxury clothes is something they definitely got wrong.
Are they trying to tell me that just because I was born on a particular day in a particular month, I automatically have a predetermined way of dressing? That all Taurus would do literally anything to get the luxury life we think we deserve?
Driven by curiosity I decided to Google some other signs, compare to some of my friends & family and see just how true this is. From Sagittarius and Aries to Virgo and Gemini I found out that some of my friends & family are ruled by their stars and what the universe says they should love.
Just for fun, here are other signs that are listed among Zodiac signs and what their signs say their style orientation is.
Libras (September 23rd – October 22nd)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija011
Libras take their time in making decisions just like the Blind Lady of Justice. Whether it is deciding on what to wear or what to buy, the Libra takes his/her time to make the right decision. They love to dress in a classical way , always adding a trendy twist to their outfits to still be on trend.
They follow trends but make sure their trade marks are always included. They love blue hues and their make up looks are often very neutral. They love to expose their lower backs so they definitely have cropped tops in their wardrobes.
Aries (March 21st – April 20th)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija001
This is the first sign of the Zodiac and is represented by the ram. Apparently, the ram loves the colour red, are adventurous when it comes to style and new trend and always want to stand out of the crowd.
They’re often dressed for power and see a direct link between what they wear and whatever position they hold in life. They dress to fit the occasion and believe that everyone should always be dressed to impress.
Aries also loves head coverings like hats, scarves, turbans etc. and most times cannot be caught without ne on.
Aquarius (January 20th February 19th)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija010
Aquarius is represented by water (Aqua) and loves regular fashion and clothes. They often shop at thrift stores and take pleasure in finding unique & vintage clothing and turning them into wearable pieces. They follow trends in their own unique way and often wear the original version of the trends instead of the modernised version.
A typical Aquarius person loves diversity in fashion and mostly has inexpensive clothing. When it comes to make up they don’t do too much, but always go all out with their hair.
If there is anything they love the most, it’s their ankles. So, anklets and ankle tattoos are a must.
Cancers (June 21st – July 22nd)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija002
Cancers, represented by the crab are not adventurous when it comes to clothing. When they find a style that suits them, they stick to it no matter what. They love to infuse their sex into every outfit; If you’re a male cancer, then you always look buff and masculine and the same goes for the female and her femininity.
The Cancer tends to spend a lot of money on lingerie – they are very sultry and so love things that make them feel that way. They always look great in green. When it comes to make up, they go for a natural look that isn’t a hassle to apply. They never do too much to their hair and like simple hairstyles like ponytails.
When it comes to showing cleavage, the cancer is an expert. They are always seen in v-neck clothes and love to show it off.
Capricorns (December 22nd – January 19th)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija003
Capricorn, the mountain goat, always goes for a smart casual look. Suits, heels, blazers, tailored trousers etc are always found in their wardrobes. They often prefer to buy things that are on sale and are practical for work and keep practical hairstyles too like short bobs and pony tails.
They love a good bargain and will rather tailor a dress than buy from the shop rack. Irrespective of that, they splurge on jewellery and always wear at least 3 pieces.
Geminis (May 21st – June 20th)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija004
The twins are full of energy and charisma and have a keen mind when it comes to fashion. However, they get bored easily and are always looking for the next big thing in fashion and style. They are label sensitive but so long as it fits, they will rock that outfit.
Gemini’s are typically more money sensitive when it comes to spending on clothes and are minimalists when it comes to make up. They love to show off their arms, so they usually wear tank tops and sleeveless dresses.
Leos (July 23rd – August 22nd)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija005
Leos are the lions and always want the best of everything. It may be unaffordable , but as long as they want it, they will find a way to get it. They shop according to brands and labels and are always on trend in fashion. They do not care about comfort, as long as the clothing item has an expensive name, they will buy it.
The lions love bold colours and prints, taking fashion to the next level and are experts when it comes to choosing well tailored suits.
They love to show off their back so backless tops and boob tubes are a must. They love bold statement jewellery and often buy them in the gold colour family.
Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija006
Pisces represented by the fish are not generally inclined to clothes and fashion. If they had their way they would walk around naked. They long for flexibility and ease in their outfits but own a lot of shoes.
They often go for non traditional pieces of jewelry like toe rings, tongue piercings and belly rings and like long pretty hair.
Scorpios (October 23rd – November 22nd)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija008
The Scorpions are not led by labels and wear any type of clothing to suit the occasion. They like to follow trends but dress in only what they believe suits them. They have an ever evolving personality and so does their style.
They change their hairstyles a lot and like to wear luxurious fabrics of undergarments in bold colours like red and black.
Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st)
Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija007
The Sagittarius is represented by a Centaur (Half man, Half horse)  and just like the horse loves the outdoors and their style reflects this. They want clothes that permit a lot of movement and freedom suitable for their active lifestyle.
They often wear their clothes until they are totally worn out before replacing them. Most times they do not fit in social events, but they do not mind because they want to be liked for their intellect. They do not wear jewellery or make up and most times grow out their natural hair.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija012
The bull is comfort hungry. They love the finer things in life and would do almost anything to have them. They’re not as adventurous as Aries when it comes to trying new trends but will go all out for luxury clothing. They always look good on neutral toned clothing and even feel the need to glam up casual clothing.
They love accessories and the accessories always looks good on them.
Virgos (August 23rd – September 22nd)Zodiac Styles and Style  - June 2013 - BellaNaija009
The Virgo (virgo) is very particular about taking care of their possessions. They are minimalists and do not partake in trends that limit their movements. The virgin spends a lot of money on their clothes and often does not buy from the sales rack.
For a Virgo, clothes are timeless and should last a lifetime. They wear a lot of natural colours and little or no jewellery. They love to show off their stomachs and often keep their mid riff toned up with exercise.
So guys tell me, what is your sign and is the description right or terribly wrong? 


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