Thursday 7 February 2013


Their love is indeed strong. Yesterday Rihanna followed Chris Brown to court in Los Angeles. Chris Brown was dragged court after a prosecutor asked a judge to order C. Breezy to start his community service all over again which was his punishment for bashing the pop queen. 
According to the prosecutor, Chris Brown didn't complete his 180 days of community labour when he pleaded guilty to the felony assault charge. "The paperwork Brown submitted to show he had completed community labor is "at best sloppy documentation and at worst fraudulent reporting," said District Attorney Jackie Lacey. 
Rihanna on the other hand thinks what the District Attorney is putting Chris Brown through is ridiculous. "She thinks it's utterly ridiculous what they're doing to him," said Chris Brown's lawyer Mark Geragos. This is the second time Rihanna has been in the same room with Chris Brown. The first time was in August of 2009 when Chris Brown was sentenced to five years of probation. 


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